This page last changed on Dec 14, 2004 by plightbo.

Upgrading from Webwork 2.0 is rather trivial. This version of webwork adds enhancements and bug fixes with hardly any configuration or syntax changes. Follow these two simple steps and you should be on your way with the latest and greatest from the OS crew.

  1. Update/Replace your current binaries with the new binaries located in the distribution download under the lib/core. You may also want to grab any related jars from the lib/optional folder. Don't forget the webwork binary webwork-2.1.jar in the base directory of the distribution download. Review the Dependencies for Webwork.
  2. Check out the Release Notes - 2.1 to see if any of changes need to be applied to your code base.

Document generated by Confluence on Dec 14, 2004 16:36